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\ 2013-2012
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Exposure - Videorama - Atelier Gare on 08/11 in Rosporden.
- 4 pages -
Publication Booklet & DVD : Atelier Gare - 08/11 at the Kernével multipurpose room.
- 13 pages -
Exposure : Atelier Gare - 10/26 at Rosporden Station.
Exposure by Thierry Aufret + collection by David Duvollet - from 10 to 11/08 in Tourc'h.
- 25 pages -
Exposure - Videorama - lfrom 20 to 28/11 at Ty an Dud Coz - Rosporden.
Exposure - Videorama - on 04/11 at the cultural center in Rosporden.